If you are a property owner in the area of Volos, Magnesia, December 14th, 2021 is the start date of the publication of the National Land Registry data.

Until February 14th, 2021, (or April 14th, 2021 if you are a resident abroad) and only after you have updated your contact details on the webpage www.ktimatologio.gr, you can check and confirm or correct the registration of your property, thus avoiding any court settlements that cost time, money and hassle. Specifically you should check:

● The description and legal information of your property (Land Registry Table)

● The boundaries of your properties/fields (Land Registry Chart)

If you do not agree with any of the information, you can submit online a request for correction (until February 14th 2021 – or April 14th, 2021 if you are a resident abroad).

In case you have not yet declared your property at the National Land Registry, you still have the opportunity to do it.

Area under publication: Municipal Unit of Volos – Magnesia

For more information and for the procedure of correction please contact Stathaki Law Office