Buying Property in Greece: Do You Need to Hire a Lawyer

When it comes to buying property in Greece, it’s essential to seek the advice and assistance of a qualified lawyer. Greece has a complex legal system, and there are many legal issues that can arise when buying property. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal and administrative procedures involved in purchasing property and ensure that your interests are protected. Here are some of the reasons why a lawyer is necessary when buying property in Greece and the services they provide:

Due Diligence: One of the primary services provided by a lawyer when buying a property in Greece is due diligence. They will investigate the property’s title, ensuring that the seller has legal ownership and the right to sell the property. They will also verify that the property has no outstanding mortgages, liens, or other encumbrances. This will help to ensure that you’re buying a property that is free and clear of any legal issues.

Contract Review and Drafting: A lawyer can review the purchase agreement or contract, ensuring that it includes all necessary terms and conditions and protects your legal interests. The contract will outline the purchase price, payment terms, and other important details, and your lawyer will make sure that everything is legally sound and in your best interests.

Representation at the Signing: Your lawyer can represent you at the signing of the purchase agreement, making sure that all terms and conditions are properly reflected in the agreement. They can also help you negotiate any changes to the contract if necessary.

Payment Facilitation: Your lawyer can facilitate the payment of the purchase price and ensure that all funds are transferred securely and legally. They will also make sure that all applicable taxes and fees are paid on time and in full.

Registration of the Purchase: After the purchase agreement is signed, your lawyer can ensure that the purchase is properly registered with the land registry and any other necessary authorities. They will also help you obtain any necessary permits or licenses to ensure that you can legally occupy and use the property.

Tax Planning: Your lawyer can advise you on tax planning strategies that can minimize your tax liability and ensure that you comply with all applicable tax laws and regulations. They can help you navigate the complex tax laws in Greece and ensure that you pay only the required taxes and fees.

Dispute Resolution: If any disputes arise during the purchase process, your lawyer can represent you in negotiations or litigation to resolve the dispute. They will work to protect your interests and ensure that any disputes are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Law Office Stathaki can help you navigate this process with professional and to-the-point advice. Contact us today here.