According to the law that was passed yesterday (April 2, 2024) in the Greek Parliament, the provisions regarding the permit for permanent investment in real estate (Golden Visa program) are as follows: In the Attica Region, the Regional Units of Thessaloniki, Mykonos, and Santorini, and on islands with a population of over 3,100 inhabitants, the…

The Greek Minister of Finance revealed forthcoming adjustments to the Greek Golden Visa program, outlined as follows: In the Attica Region, the Regional Units of Thessaloniki, Mykonos, and Santorini, and on islands with a population of over 3,100 inhabitants, the value of the real estate that the applicant must invest increases to 800,000 euros. In…

Anticipated adjustments to the golden visa program by the Greek government involve raising investment thresholds across three distinct regions for prospective investors seeking residence permits through real estate purchase. Specifically, the forthcoming legislation, slated for presentation in parliament soon, proposes elevating the minimum investment requirement for golden visas in certain regions to 800,000 euros. Initially,…