In a world that has been impacted by the threat of COVID-19, countries around the globe are implementing measures to safeguard their people and communities. We at Stathaki Law Office are also doing our part. 

We are conscious of the difficulties that many people around the world are facing due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Protection and safety for our clients and any single individual is our major priority during these uncertain and challenging times. 

Status of Current Cases and Golden Visa Applications 

Please note that your current or future cases and applications will not be affected by the temporary quarantines imposed by governments to stop the spread of COVID-19. 

For this reason we do not require from you to visit our office and we can instead communicate over any available channel that is convenient for you.

We are available over phone, e-mail and WhatsApp and we are ready to receive any essential document through mail or e-mail so you can stay safe from the comfort of your home. 

Golden Visa Program

Why Apply Now? 

The travel bans have made it impossible to leave your respected country, but this is only a temporary situation. As soon as governments lift these travel bans, the freedom to travel at a moment’s notice will be more important than ever. Obtaining a residence permit for investors takes time (4-6 months for most programs).

So this is the perfect time for you to apply and secure yours and your loved ones’ future.

For any further information please see at