On the 12-5-2020 the Law 4251/2014 (Golden Visa Program) was amended as follows: “The minimum value of the real estate at the time of its acquisition, as well as the total contractual lease of hotel accommodation or tourist accommodation, as shown by the notarial transfer deeds and, if they are subject to the payment of a…

Invest in Greece with the Golden Visa Program means quality of life. Today, more than ever, it seems imperative to invest in a quality of life, close to the natural environment, near the countryside and sea. The Golden Visa program, in its standard form, aims to attract investment and capital inflows in Greece, but there…

Imminent changes to the Golden Visa Program are scheduled from the Greek Government. The draft bill will come for a vote before the Greek Parliament with the following changes after April 24, 2020: The first paragraph of case 2 of paragraph B of article 20 of Law 4251/2014, is replaced as follows: “2. The minimum value…

In a world that has been impacted by the threat of COVID-19, countries around the globe are implementing measures to safeguard their people and communities. We at Stathaki Law Office are also doing our part.  We are conscious of the difficulties that many people around the world are facing due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Protection and safety…

Legislation to lift the capital controls is expected to be submitted to the Greek Parliament and go into effect on September 1, 2019 ending four (4) years of restrictions on transfers abroad by companies and individuals. The purpose of the restrictions on cash withdrawal and transfer of funds were to preserve the financial stability, by…

A new Greek law envisages reductions in a special property tax (ENFIA) by an average weighted 22 pct, offering a respite to real estate owners in the middle class and low-value owners. Cuts in ENFIA, based on the total value of real estate assets, will be: 30 pct for property up to 60,000 euros, 27…

An Economy Ministry bill tabled  in Parliament provides for the broadening of the criteria for non-European Union citizens to be granted a five-year residence permit, or Golden Visa, beyond the investment of 250,000 euros in local real estate assets. The draft law foresees permits being issued for third-country nationals (and their families) who invest a…

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